Friday, October 23, 2009


OHM Fashion Show Presents: Rock Your Vogue has a stylish swagger that will catch the attention of rockers and fashionistas everywhere!

The Rock n’ Roll edge to this year’s theme takes the show one step forward by broadcasting a new modern wave of chic. Looking back through history, it has not gone unnoticed that music and fashion go hand in hand.

Today’s rock artists have a powerful impact and generate a new form of fashion, ranging from Rihanna’s pretty punk rock style to Mick Jagger’s legendary leather pants. The theme for OHM Fashion Show 2010 links Rock and Fashion in a new way in order to inspire others.

By linking haute couture to the Rock n’ Roll care-free attitude Rock Your Vogue inspires individual expression and evokes the confident charm of history’s rock and fashion icons.

Love, Style & Rock n' Roll,

OHM Bloggers
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